Thursday, July 15, 2010

4th of July Recap

We made it out to West Texas on the 4th of July.  Bailey was so excited he got to ride in the moving truck w/ Adam.  Savana, Captain, Bandit, Savana’s FJ Cruiser, the Flat Screen TV and I all made it in the Jeep through all the rain.


We stopped at Abilene to see the Williams Gang. Of course Savana and Kenz had to get matching shirts:)

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Then on to the apartment in Odessa.  Luckily Adam and Bailey had everything unloaded by the time we arrived.   

 P1030884 Kiddos bedroomP1030885 Kiddos cars, cuz no room anywhere else to put them.

P1030886 Closet, which they love, it’s their little clubhouse.

  P1030889 Living Room

On Tuesday, I took the kids to the $1 movies to see Veggie Tales: The Pirates that Did Nothing.  Of course they wanted to go within 30 minutes, because I wouldn’t buy them popcorn and coke.  They suffered through the movie and ended up liking it. 

On Wednesday we went to Storytime at the Midland Library…we were late.  Since I was without internet, I had no way of looking up the address, so I typed it in my handy dandy GPS, which took me all the way around Midland.  Cheryl, I know I should have used the Imel Navigational System. The kids were super excited about getting their own library cards…such big kids! Savana wanted to show off her craft, Bailey did not.P1030880 P1030883

Friday we went to Chick-Fil-A, not knowing it was Cow Appreciation Day, so the kiddos got to have their picture made with the cows.  Savana thought that was pretty cool.Photo0198

Finally on Saturday, the sun came out and it was 90 degrees.  Adam felt it was warm enough to go swimming…well it was stinkin’ cold, but that didn’t deter the twinadoes. So we went again to the pool on Sunday. 

The week went by rather quickly and I was able to unpack everything.  I thought I might have trouble getting the kids to sleep at night, since they are sharing a room ….and a bed, but within 15 minutes they are sound asleep….my little angels.  And they have been taking 2-2.5 hour naps.  All this going and doing is wearing them out!

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